Galapagos Islands Facts

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Galapagos Islands Facts For Kids

Galapagos Islands Facts For Kids

Galapagos Islands, spread the equator and lying about 1,000 km from the Pacific Ocean on the coast of South America. There are a total land area of ​​about 8,000 square kilometers of islands and rocks 107 Island 13, and six small.  

The volcano is a volcanic island and the west, it is very effective. Galapagos is part of the 5 islands of the Republic of Ecuador and the resident population of 18,000. 

It Galapagos Islands Facts For Kids system, the largest city of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno · San Cristobal island Santa Cruz Puerto Ayora.

Galapagos Islands Facts For Kids For animals many unique habitats, and human natural enemy is insufficient island of Galapagos is the most fearless. One of the best known is a huge turtle. Other reptiles can be found in sea iguana glancing in seaweed, land iguanas, lava lizards, snakes and geckos.  

Terrestrial mammal is a two rat bat rice. At the same time to adapt to the range of food that 13 species of finch small, brownish is different, and is known as Darwin finches.  

Galapagos Islands Facts  They are important for scientists trying to learn how evolution are to occur. 4 species of birds Mockingbird Other land, hawk, dove, flycatcher, and rail to be included, found only in the Galapagos Islands.

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